Alexander Alford

Web Development & Design

About Me

My name is Alexander, and I am a web developer and designer currently working at National University open to new work, preferably remote. I began developing software as a hobby while I was pursuing my Bachelor's degree at UCSD. What started off as a simple passion project became a fascination for how software is made and shared.

Since then, I have broken into web development where I get to work with some of the most cutting-edge technology available. I see programming as a way to explore a language's potential, to solve problems simple and complex, and to harness the power of a computer. Thank you for stopping by, and if you're interested, feel free to reach out and contact me below.

mongodb logo

This web app uses MongoDB Atlas to store and provide its product data. By using an access key to the data cluster, the server can access the document collection for the prop products and perform read operations on them. The data is loaded server-side with the help of Mongoose to simplify MongoDB driver details. Once the data is loaded, it is sent to an api endpoint that the client-side application pulls from. Server routing and the RESTful api is controlledusing Express functionality. The client can post a request to the server to load filtered response data from the database based on given criteria.

expree logo
petShop website screenshot


PetShop an imaginary online retailer that sells animals and animal products. The purpose of this project was to experiment, develop, and deploy a web app that uses React and MongoDB to create a client-server model that allows the user to interact with a cloud database in ways that mimic popular online retailers like Amazon. Data for the website was generated and is accessed with MongoDB Atlas while content is rendered with individual react components that respond to state changes. I used Heroku to deploy the app as a live demo that anybody can try.

The demo provides a functional product page allowing the user to inspect items, add them to their carts, go to checkout, modify their order, and then send it out. Unfortunately, due to changes with the hosting platform, Heroku, the PetShop demo is no longer live. The code repository is available on my github account, here, for those who are still interested in inspecting the project.

Live Demo
react logo

The client side of this web app is rendered dynamically with React.The website is composed of nested react components that use a mixture of hooks, props, and pure javascript for interactivity. Data from the api endpoint is loaded for the home page by use of a state variable whose hook sets the state and re-renders every time it's called. JSX allows for easy incorporation of javascript functionality into html giving an interactive user interface for the user's cart that allows items to be added and removed while the page is visibly updated. Bootstrap 5 is used to style the website along with custom edits. The Bootstrap classes provide styling that adjusts with screen dimensions for platform independent websites.

bootstrap logo

Robo Wars: A 2D Game Engine

This project was one of my first major software development projects. The goal of the project was to improve my general programming skill and gain a better understanding of the C language.

collision demo

Collision Detection and Resolution

One of the first parts of the engine developed was the collision detection and resolution system. This system allowed moving objects to collied with terrain and be ejected reliably and efficiently. Over time the system algorithms was revised several times to more accurately resolve collisions and to detect non-rectangular collisions.

tiling and rendering demo

Tiling and Graphics

Alongside the collision detection and resolution, a grid-based tiling system was developed to create the platforms in the game engine. These tiles were drawn with hardware accelerated rendering of select portions of source images. Grid based tiling allows for platforms that are highly optimized in memory and performance.

tiling, enemies, and sprites demo

Object System

The object system allows for the creation of objects that can interact with platforms and other objects according to AI or user input. Objects can store data that is unique to each individual member as well as data that is shared among all of the instances of a kind of object.

final update demo

Sounds and Timing

One of the later elements added was a sound system that can play queued sounds in addition to background music. Each queued sound is given a specific channel that it can play on so that sounds can overlap. A timing system was also added to control framerate as well as the speed at which the game played.

Atom Physics Simulator

This program is an atomic physics simulator designed to simulate sub-atomic particles and the forces that they interact with by using VPython's API. The VPython module provides a simple implementation of 3D graphics, vector math, and graphing capabilities that can easily be implemented. GlowScript is a javascript api based off of VPython that, with the help of the RapydScript transpiler, allows the Python script to run in the browser.

This simulation can be paused and reset to its initial state at any time. Scrolling can be used to zoom in and out on the canvas, while holding shift and dragging with your mouse can pan it. While running, the average electron orbital radius is graphed in real time and the electrostatic force can be changed at any time by the user to alter the orbit.

atomic simulator screenshot
tortfolio investment tables

First, the user provides their current 401k, IRA, and taxable portfolios in terms of the amount of money invested in bonds, stocks, and international stocks respectively. They then provide their desired asset allocation, their monthly investment amount, and details about their 401k and their IRA. Finally, the user can calculate their most tax efficient year long investment strategy.

tortfolio promo

Tortfolio is a portfolio balancing and investing tool created to allow the user to plan how to plan their investing so that they can pay the lowest amount of taxes. This project uses Bootstrap for styling and chart.js for graphing
Try It
tortfolio graph

Once the investment strategy is calculated the user can then view their recommended investments into each portfolio for each month of the year. Their investments are divided based on their desired split between bonds and stocks with slight changes to maximize tax reduction. A graph is given to show the total investments across all possible venues for each month.

Web Designer and Developer II at National University is my current occupation and my first professional role as a web developer. As a web developer and designer, I'm tasked with managing mostly frontend content as well as working with other team members to properly connect the backend. I work in a small team of about 8 other developers whom I coordinate with on how the workload will be divided. The majority of my work involves patching issues in NU sites including restyling pages, ensuring that they are screen reader and keyboard compatible, and fixing compatability bugs. On occasion, I am given larger projects that I will work on with another web developer who can help with backend work and other server/security issues that I can't directly work on.

Since I've began, I've updated several websites, fixed dozens of bugs, and have helped complete a few of the University's larger projects. I've learned so much about designing for web accessibility, debugging obscure device specific bugs, and refactoring older code to help clean it up and keep it up to date. My team has been both incredibly supportive when I need help and unrestrained in giving me good challenges that have improved my knowledge and allowed me to significantly contribute to accomplishing goals. I believe this was the perfect entry level role for me to learn and grow as a developer.

Teacher Awards

I spent a good deal of time updating content on this site. From restyling portions of pages, to minimizing image file sizes, efficiency and accessibility were essential for this project.

Virtual High School

The majority of my work on this site was bugfixes ranging from getting non-functional elements to work properly to ensuring the pages were mobile and screen reader ready.